Thank You!

07-15-2018Weekly ReflectionFr. James Aboyi

Dear Parishioners,

On behalf of our Parish community, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to MacGarret Becker for the excellent job he has done as our Campaign Manager for "Living Our Faith, Building Our Home." MacGarret's dedication and hard work successfully guided the Campaign leadership team and our parish community through these beginning months of our capital campaign, and helped us nearly reach our goal of $3.5 million in a very short time. As we thank MacGarret for his time with us, we look forward with excitement to when we will welcome him back for the dedication of our new Church building.

I also would like to thank the Campaign Committee for their great teamwork and commitment in ensuring that we reach our campaign goal and complete the vision for the new Church. May God bless everyone who has contributed and made sacrifices for the success of our campaign. Before MacGarret left, I had the opportunity to meet with him and the campaign team, to plan for the weeks ahead and thank them for all they have done.

We heard the theme of being chosen by God echoed in all three readings during Mass this weekend. In the Second Reading, St. Paul explained that God chose us, even before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless before him. Like the prophet Amos in the First Reading, and the Apostles in the Gospel, we too are called by God and entrusted with the mission to heal and preach the Good News to everyone in our lives. This mission is entrusted to us individually and as a community. We do not need to possess extraordinary powers in order to preach and heal. We can simply preach and heal others by our willingness to listen to them, support and be available for them. I am glad to learn that we have several ministries available in our parish, through which most of us are able to preach, heal, and reach out to those in need in our community, through our charity works.

I thank you for your participation with our capital campaign. As I said at Masses during the weekend, I am so amazed at how much you have already raised within such a short period of me! Thank you for your sacrificial giving and for your generosity. May God continue to bless and provide for you as you support our church community.

Please remember to keep our pastor emeritus, Fr Bob, in your prayers for healing and God's support as he takes a leave from active ministry to attend to his health.

Thank you and Remain Blessed.
Fr. James