For My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts Nor Are Your Ways My Ways, Says the Lord

09-24-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Manasseh Iorchir, VC

As humans, we possess a tendency to do unto others what they do, or are most likely to do, to us. We understand the “tit for tat” rule of Moses and are instinctively inclined to love those who love us. The Readings of this weekend’s Liturgy show how diametrically apart these human theories of morality and justice are from God’s thoughts. We may see justice as giving to each individual what they deserve; God gives to us, not what each person deserves, but what pleases His Divine will.


The Lord is Kind and Merciful, Slow to Anger, and Rich in Compassion.

09-17-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Manasseh Iorchir, VC

In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul declares, “But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). This sacrificial act of love for us while we were captives of disobedience is what affected our redemption and shows how ridiculously extravagant God’s mercy is towards us. Having enjoyed God’s mercies, albeit unmerited, we are under every obligation to show mercy to others. This is exactly what the Readings at the liturgy this weekend set out to inculcate in us.


Love Is The Fulfillment of the Law

09-10-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Manasseh Iorchir, VC

Mrs Jamie Bescak, Principal of St. John Bosco School, likes to sign her emails with these words from St. Paul, “Do everything in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14). This is a very good summary of what the Readings this weekend invite us to internalize and practice.

In the First Reading, the Prophet Ezekiel, called to prophesy to Israel during the Babylonian exile, is designated a “watchman” over Israel and intimated on the seriousness of his task. If he refuses to dissuade the sinner from his sinful way despite receiving word from The Lord, he (the Prophet) shall be held responsible for the death of the sinner. This is a scary warning for anyone to whom the prophetic ministry is graciously given. We, believers and witnesses, are the watchmen/women of our time and community. God desires that His will be done on earth, that His kingdom be firmly established and sustained among all people.


Whoever Wishes To Come After Me Must Take Up His Cross and Follow Me

09-03-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Manasseh Iorchir, VC

Anyone who elects to live by and preach Christian ideals should be prepared to face a sustained persecution from “the kingdom of this world.” This is largely because the ways of the Lord are usually at odds with the ways of people who love the “freedom” from the “tyranny of the decalogue” offered by the devil. When persecution or the promise of it becomes imminent, there is always the temptation to lament or even reconsider our loyalty to the gospel. Even a great prophet like Jeremiah was not spared such humiliating experiences. God required the Prophet to say things that were true, yet quite offensive to many, especially the powerful in the course of his prophetic ministry. As a direct consequence, the Prophet had very few friends and found himself in trouble more often than not. His reaction was to lament about how God had “duped” him and how he had let himself be “duped” as a result of which he had to endure mockery and even bodily harm. Jeremiah’s lamentation is true of every ardent preacher and witness to the Gospel of Christ.