The Pastoral Council

The St. Benedict Pastoral Council is a consultative body that assists the pastor in discerning how the parish can best serve the mission of the Church.

The council’s role includes planning, attending activities in the parish, priority setting, and visioning. Its primary work is the renewal of the parish and its parishioners as faith-filled, concerned, apostolic Christians by identifying needs, unearthing resources and discovering ways to further develop ministries for utilizing these resources. The work of the council is a ministry of leadership.

Meet the Council

President: Russ Spencer
Vice President: Pamela Boggs
Members: Jerry Biegler, Lani Gore, Marilyn Johnston, Mike Low, Frank Polimene, Chris Smith
Non-voting Member: Dcn Ed Winkelbauer

Description of Parish Pastoral Council and its members

The council is a consultative body that assists the pastor in discerning how the parish can best serve the mission of the church.  The council’s role includes planning, attending activities in the parish, priority setting, and visioning.  Its primary work is the renewal of the parish and its parishioners as faith-filled, concerned, apostolic Christians by identifying needs, unearthing resources and discovering ways to further develop ministries for utilizing these resources.  The work of the council is a ministry of leadership.

  • Parish Pastoral Council is a bridge between the pastor and the parishioners.
  • Council members should be aware of what is happening in the parish.
  • Council members must be able to talk about issues in an honest and open way.
  • Council members must know the parish. It changes over time, be aware of the changes and the demographics.
  • Council members should pray together.
  • Council members should challenge the people of the parish and support them.
  • Council members should use their collective wisdom in the parish.
  • Council members should engage in pastoral planning and goal setting in order to achieve the pastoral plan.
  • The council should collaborate with the pastor to make the parish truly one, holy, catholic and apostolic faith community.

Criteria for potential members

  1. A willingness to spend time praying and studying with the other members of the council.
  2. Time, enthusiasm, and interest for being on the council.
  3. A concern for the parish as a whole, rather than merely wanting to represent the interests of a particular group in the parish.
  4. The ability for working with others.
  5. The ability for delegating to others.
  6. The patience to tolerate the slow process involved in renewal.
  7. A willingness to make a three-year commitment.

Interested in joining the Pastoral Council?