Eucharistic Ministers
The church has a wonderful problem in that many people come forward to receive the gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus the Christ. Because of this need Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (E.M.H.C.) assist in distributing the Body and Blood during our liturgy as well as bringing this gift of our God to the infirm members of our community.
By the Eucharist we are called to take and eat and take and drink, but also to become what we consume. One way to begin such service is to not merely behold the Lamb of God, but come forward in humble service to be and bring Christ to one another. As with any ministry we must discern if we are called to serve in this capacity.
Are you a practicing Catholic and fully initiated (Baptized, Confirmed and Received First Eucharist), registered in the parish of St. Benedict, and can commit to occasionally scheduled trainings and formation opportunities? If this describes yourself and your desire, then this may be a way to give Christ and give back to your community.