First Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation imparts God’s grace and mercy on us, and allows us to be reconciled and at peace in our relationships and with the Church.
At St. Benedict Catholic Church, we follow a family-focused preparation model for this sacrament – helping families grow in their understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and witness God’s grace and mercy with one another. First Reconciliation preparation is provided to all children in 2nd grade or older who have completed at least one year of faith formation through Journey of Faith, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, St. John Bosco Catholic School, or other method of religious education approved by the Diocese of Phoenix.
This Sacramental preparation program includes the following components:
- Home-study with the family, using a book, lesson plans and timeline provided by the parish
- One Multi-family group meeting that includes a Scripture study and group activity
- Attendance at one retreat