Women's Spirituality
The purpose of the Women’s Spirituality Group is to provide an environment for women to come together to share prayer, silence, and Christian disciplines and practices that support them on their spiritual journey through this life and into the next.
- Deepen your prayer life and learn the art of being present to others.
- Gather with other women who recognize God as the source and summit of all life.
- Choose to live your life seeking and finding God in ordinary experiences and in relationships with others.
WSG encourages and teaches the practice of having conversations with others who are seeking God in their everyday lives. We invite all to enter into a small community where they can experience trust, compassion, understanding and belonging.
Join us for one of our meetings! We generally gather on the first Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the St. Benedict Conference Room (Annex 1) on the parish property. Call the parish office to confirm at 480.961.1610.