Marketing & Facility Request Form

Marketing, Facility and Events Request Process

This process covers requests for facility space or any events, onsite or offsite, including restaurant fundraisers.

  1. Complete the Marketing and Facilities Request form which can be found below.
  1. The St. Benedict Parish Office will receive and review the completed form. Please note that the requested event and facility space are not guaranteed until you receive an e-mail confirmation from the Parish Office.
  2. Upon approval, the parish calendar will be updated with the event and the Requester will be notified.  The Events Coordinator Ministry Leader will be notified if applicable and if needed, the facility request on St. John Bosco Catholic School grounds will be submitted by the parish office.
  3. Any requests for an article in the bulletin, website or weekly update must be submitted using the Facility and Marketing Request Form by the Friday 2 weeks prior to the desired date of the bulletin or weekly update.


The requested event and facility space are not guaranteed until you receive an e-mail confirmation from the St. Benedict Parish Office.

Please do not send any requests for parish events directly to St. John Bosco School.  Any St. Benedict parish event, including internal ministries, weddings, individual parishioner requests, and external organizations, must follow this same process.