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Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, Mar 5
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Senior Living Facility Project
"May the favor of the Lord our God be ours. Prosper the work of our hands!"

Put Out into Deep Water
02-09-2025 | Fr. Augustine Acheme, VCPut Out into Deep Water The Gospel for today (Luke 5:1-11) presents a striking moment in Simon Peter’s life- one that changes everything. After a long, fruitless night of fishing, Jesus instructs him to “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Initially hesitant, Peter obeys, and the result is overwhelming: a miraculous catch of fish, so abundant that the nets begin to tear. In awe and humility, Peter falls at Jesus’ knees, confessing his unworthiness. Yet, Jesus calls him beyond his self-doubt: “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” This passage invites us to reflect on trust, obedience, and the call to deeper discipleship.
St. Benedict, Where All are Welcome
St. Benedict Catholic Church is a welcoming and vibrant family of believers located in the Phoenix community of Ahwatukee in Arizona. We are a Catholic faith community that recognizes the face of Christ in all and we respond with our lives. Our growing community is made up of members from all walks of life and we value our diversity. Our motto, “Where All Are Welcome,” stems from the belief that every person is a treasured child of God. Whether you’re new to the neighborhood or searching for a new place of worship, we hope you’ll find a home in St. Benedict Catholic Church.