End of Christmas Season

01-09-2021Weekly ReflectionFr. James Aboyi

The Christmas Season ends today with this celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. We can now put away all Christmas decorations. We will begin the 1st week in Ordinary Time, Year “B” tomorrow, January 11th. Ordinary Time lasts from this week until Ash Wednesday on February 17th. I thank everyone for their participation in the Christmastide this year. My special thanks to the Art and Environment ministers and the Liturgy Ministry leaders for their effective planning for the Christmas and New Year Liturgies. I also thank those who sent donations for the poinsettias and other gifts to the parish and staff during this time.

The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan by St. John the Baptist marks the beginning of His ministry; it was a major turning point in Jesus’s life, especially since we know very little of his life between the ages of 12 and 30. As we heard in the Gospel today, right after his Baptism, the heavens were opened and the Spirit of the Lord descended upon him in the form of a dove. The voice of the Father was heard, “This is my beloved son, listen to him.” God’s voice is heard at the baptism of each one of us reminding us that we are his beloved sons and daughters.

As followers of Jesus, Baptism is our spiritual birthday. It is unfortunate that many Catholics do not take their baptism seriously. While it is nearly impossible for any adult Catholic to not know their date of birth or celebrate their birthdays, in contrast, most Catholics do not remember their date of baptism and sometimes not even the year or the place where they were baptized. Just as our biological birthday makes us members of the human race, our baptism makes us members of God’s family: “The Church.” Baptism also makes it possible for us to become citizens of Heaven.

At this time last year, life was quite normal around the world; no one ever imagined that we could be where we are right now. As we begin Ordinary Time this weekend, let us renew our hope and trust in God. Let us entrust all our plans to God that he will see us through to the end of this year.

Thank you and remain blessed,

Fr. James