Fourth Sunday of Advent

12-19-2020Weekly ReflectionFr. James Aboyi

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, our scripture readings are focused on the “Temple of God.” Our First Reading today tells us the story of King David who wanted to build a Temple for the Lord in appreciation for God’s favor to him and his nation. We are told that God sent Prophet Nathan to tell David that his plan was rejected. Nathan explained to King David about the implication of his intention and why God rejected his plan. Ordinarily, King David’s plan to build a house for the Lord was a wonderful idea, however the motive behind his intention was that he was trying to reward God for his goodness and blessings towards him, which is a sin of pride. We learned from King David’s mistake that no matter how blessed and how grateful we are, no human being can reward God and God does not bless us in exchange for our loyalty to him or our good behaviors. God generously bestows his blessings upon us, unconditionally.

God promised King David that He will continue to bless him and his family line and that someone from among his off spring will be the one to build the Temple fit for him to dwell in. After the death of King David, his son Solomon thought that God’s promise to his father would be fulfilled in him so he built the most beautiful Temple in the world at his time. Both King David and Solomon failed to understand that the Temple is not a physical building but a human being who will be like a temple for carrying God in her womb.

Our Gospel reading today made it clear that the Blessed Mother, Mary, is the Temple of God that God promised to King David. The powerful King David and Solomon were not permitted to be the Temple for the Lord. Instead, his descendent, the poor and simple Blessed Virgin was chosen by God to be his Temple. The scripture readings this weekend remind us that we too, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, are the temple of God as St. Paul stated: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?” (1 Cor 6:18-20).

Thank you and remain blessed,

Fr. James